Aplikacija za načrtovanje urnikov

Programska oprema za spletno izdelavo urnikov za šole in univerze.


Brez namestitve

Brez prenosa, brez namestitve, brez težav. Sceduly je na voljo iz katerega koli računalnika ali mobilne naprave za brezplačno spletno načrtovanje urnikov in administracijo.

Uvoz podatkov eVŠ

Integracije imen eVŠ omogočajo uvoz vseh podatkov o tečajih, predmetih, učiteljih/predavateljih in učencih/dijakih/študentih z enim klikom.

Ime eVŠ

Z integracijo imena eVŠ Sceduly sistem omogoča preverjanje pristnosti in pregled urnika samo za vaše učence/dijake/študente. Urnik je lahko tudi javno dostopen.

User groups

Users are divided into user groups and departments. Appropriate data access and editing rights can be assigned to each user group and department.

Digital signatures

Digital signing of all generated documents. The validity of digital signatures can be checked at any time.

Odziven dizajn

Ustvarjeni urniki za šole in univerze so združljivi s katero koli vrsto in ločljivostjo uporabniških naprav.


1. Suggested configurations


3. Order

0,00 €
Šole in univerze z več kot 50 učitelji.
Vrhunska podpora
Licenca za več računalnikov
Server infrastructure
One week personal online assistance during implementation phase
* By completing the order, you can request a presentation of the software.

Brezplačna registracija


I confirm that I am authorized to send the registration form for the aforementioned institution. S klikom na prijavo se strinjate z našimi Pogoji storitve.



Spletna aplikacija Sceduly je olajšala življenje našim študentom in predavateljem, ki si zdaj vse datume predavanj in izpitov lahko ogledajo z le enim klikom.
When planning classes, it is very important to have an insight into the occupancy of classrooms, and the application itself prevents possible overlapping of lectures or exams.
The TV overview of all timetables in the atrium enabled students and lecturers to see all current events and lectures at the faculty, and at the same time reduced the number of inquiries about the date and location of classes.
Alen Jerkunica


Individual timetable
By integrating into the API system Sceduly is able to provide students with their individual timetable with all enrolled subjects.

Simple Overview
Administrator control panel provides clear and simple week overview with all the lectures and classrooms availability.

Schedule Conflicts
Conflict analysis and warning during schedule entry. You can manually allow schedule overlaps for each individual lecture.

Recurring Schedules
You only need to select semesters start and end date, recurring interval and the algorithm will take care of everything else for you.

Print and PDF
The schedules can be printed or saved as PDF separately for each classroom or study program. There is also an option for printing all of the lectures or individually selected classes.

TV Broadcast
Display the current lecture order on the TV screen in your atrium or waiting areas. The scheduling software also supports automated sending of announcements and notices to the TV timetable.

Multiple locations
You can create separate or combined timetables for each of your subsidiaries.

Machine Learning
Timetable software utilize AI and machine learning algorithms in creating optimal holes-free schedules, minimizing costs. Feature coming soon.
Timetable importer
Timetable import from ASC Timetable software
Student attendance & work reports
Record of teaching
Automatic and/or manual recording of classes enables the automatic preparation of reports on classes held and the standardization of work according to normhours. For automatic registration, it is necessary to have or purchase card readers. Teachers are registered with cards.

Attendance record
Automatic and/or manual records of student attendance. For automatic attendance records, it is necessary to have or purchase and install card readers. Students are registered with student cards.
Program study documentation
The module enables the digitization of study program reports. The data from the study is further used in modules such as the Order (plan) of lectures, Planning of teaching duties, etc.
Order of lectures
The order (schedule) of lectures contains a list of courses that will be offered in the following academic year. The list of courses is automatically generated from all approved versions of study program documents. The list of courses and lecturers can be edited.
Workload planning
From the table of planned workloads, it is possible to automatically generate workloads for each individual teacher according to norma hours.
Student enrolments
The module makes it possible to obtain precise data for the creation of a schedule, before the end of the official enrollment of students.
Professional practice
This module enables the digitization of professional practice through digitally signed referrals, certificates of the beginning of professional practice, work diary, reports, etc. Partner companies also monitor and evaluate students through the system.
Final theses and exams
Final theses
The module enables the digitization of administrative procedures related to the application of the final and diploma thesis, such as: thesis application, defense application, committee appointment, minutes generation, public announcement.

Final exam
The module enables the digitization of administrative procedures related to final exam registration, such as: work registration, exam registration, committee appointment, minutes generation, public announcement.
Quality assurance system
System for quality assurance in higher education according to the guidelines.
Employee attendance
Through the module Record of working hours, it is possible to record working hours, vacations, sick days, etc., with the possibility of downloading external and internal reports. Attendances are conducted automatically if employees record attendance electronically (with cards).
Vacation requests
Vacation request
The module enables the creation of requests for leave, and the automatic generation of a decision on the use of part of the leave.

Request for collective vacation
The module enables the creation of requests for collective annual leave, as well as the automatic generation of information about the duration and period of use of annual leave for all employees.
Travel orders
Requests and calculation of travel orders.
Associate contracts
Automatic creation of contracts for external collaborators. The external associate enters personal data and attaches the necessary documentation, on the basis of which a contract is drawn up that can be digitally signed.
Public procurement planning
Creation of a public procurement plan for the department. All departments are combined into a complete public procurement plan for the institution.
Public procurement requests
Request for simple public procurement
The module enables sending requests for simple public procurement. The request goes through the necessary approval steps, including the approvals of other persons - fund owners.

Sources of financing
For each person, it is possible to define funding sources (organizational units), such as personal fund, various projects, etc. Funding sources can be managed on a year basis.
Purchase orders
Purchase orders can be automatically created from requests for simple public procurement. For each item, it is possible to define a CPV code through a simple CPV code search.
Defect reports
The module provides a simple interface for reporting defects to the relevant professional services. The person in charge (department) acts on the application and records the status of the request (in process/solved) in the system.
Surveys can be public and private (only for people at the institution), and mandatory or optional. Each survey can be assigned to a group (department, students, etc.) that needs to complete the survey.

Anonymous surveys
Can be used for reporting unacceptable behavior in the academic community or other purposes.